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When circumstances change...

It’s an inevitable part of life that things change! Sometimes when you least expect it…

On some occasions, changes in your personal circumstances might mean that your NDIS plan and the supports it provides are not suitable for you anymore.

In these cases, your support coordinator or service providers will recommend that you lodge a “change or circumstances”. It is handy to know what this is and what the process involves so that when change strikes, and your NDIS plan requires an adjustment, you can address this quickly and get the right supports back in place.

There are lots of changes that might mean your plan is not right for you anymore, from moving to new accommodation to changes in the care you receive from family members. Some examples of changes that you should communicate back to the NDIA include:

• Change in contact details.

• Significant changes in the care or support provided by your family.

• Changes in your disability needs, overall health and wellbeing.

• Changes in your living arrangements.

• Changes in your employment.

• If you are going overseas for a long time or are moving overseas.

If you are unsure if a change should be reported, you can ask your support coordinator.

You should notify the NDIA as soon as possible. You can notify the NDIA by completing a change of details or change of situation form, if you need support with this you can contact your support coordinator. You can also notify the NDIA by phone on 1800 800 110 or via email at

If you feel like your plan should be reassessed because of the change in your situation, you can specifically ask for a plan reassessment. In this case, it’s important that you point out that something specific has changed since your last plan review and makes your current plan obsolete. Even if you don’t ask, the NDIA will offer a plan reassessment if they find that the new information you have provided suggests a plan reassessment if in order.

It’s important to know that using up the funds on your current NDIS plan does not constitute a change of circumstance and the NDIA will not automatically organise for a plan reassessment because you have no funding left.

If the changes are simple, such as a change in your phone number or address, then no changes in your plan supports will be required. The NDIS will organise for the appropriate changes to be made in your personal details and let you know when it’s done!

If you have any questions about changes in your circumstance or anything else we are always happy to help! Give us a ring or send us an email!

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