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What makes a support reasonable and necessary?

The NDIS follows the principle of funding "reasonable and necessary" supports. In this blog post, we will delve into what constitutes a reasonable and necessary support, offering valuable insights to help individuals navigate the NDIS funding process.

1. Defining Reasonable and Necessary Supports:

Reasonable and necessary supports are central to the NDIS funding framework. They encompass a wide range of services, aids, and equipment that assist participants in achieving their goals, enhancing their independence, and improving their overall quality of life. These supports are tailored to the unique needs, circumstances, and aspirations of each individual.

2. Core Principles of Reasonable and Necessary Supports:

To be considered reasonable and necessary, supports must meet the following core principles:

a. Relating to Disability: Supports should directly address the participant's disability and its impact on their daily functioning, social participation, and well-being. They should enable individuals to overcome barriers and achieve their personal goals.

b. Value for Money: Supports must be cost-effective and represent value for money. This means that the benefits derived from the support should outweigh its cost, taking into account long-term outcomes, sustainability, and the participant's individual circumstances.

c. Evidence-Based: Supports should be grounded in evidence-based practices, drawing upon established research, best practices, and professional expertise. This ensures that interventions and strategies employed are effective, safe, and aligned with current knowledge.

d. Ordinary Living: The NDIS aims to provide supports that enable participants to lead ordinary lives and actively participate in their communities. Reasonable and necessary supports should promote inclusion, social engagement, and opportunities for personal growth.

3. Examples of Reasonable and Necessary Supports:

The NDIS covers a wide array of supports that can be deemed reasonable and necessary, including but not limited to:

a. Therapeutic Services: This encompasses therapies such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and psychology. These services help individuals develop or regain skills, manage their disabilities, and improve their overall well-being.

b. Assistive Technology: Assistive devices and equipment, such as mobility aids, communication devices, and home modifications, can greatly enhance a participant's independence, mobility, and safety.

c. Personal Care and Support: Assistance with daily personal activities, including personal hygiene, meal preparation, and household tasks, can enable individuals to live more independently and maintain their well-being.

d. Social and Community Participation: Support for community engagement, recreational activities, and social interactions fosters inclusivity, reduces isolation, and promotes personal growth.

4. The NDIS Planning Process:

When applying for NDIS funding, it is crucial to understand the planning process. Participants should provide detailed information about their disability, goals, and support needs, ensuring they articulate how specific supports align with the reasonable and necessary criteria.

Navigating the NDIS funding process requires a solid understanding of what constitutes reasonable and necessary supports. By adhering to the core principles, providing evidence-based justifications, and aligning supports with the participant's disability-related needs and goals, individuals can maximize their chances of accessing the essential services and assistance they require to thrive and lead fulfilling lives.

Remember, the NDIS is designed to empower individuals with disabilities, and by understanding the principles behind reasonable and necessary supports, participants can actively participate in shaping their own support plans, driving positive change, and achieving their aspirations.

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