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Reading and Understanding your Service Agreement

As an NDIS participant, you may receive support and services from a range of providers. When you engage a provider, you’ll likely be asked to sign a service agreement. A service agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of your service agreement with the provider. Here’s why it’s essential to read and understand your service agreement:

Protect your rights and interests

  • A service agreement is a legally binding document that sets out the terms of your agreement with the provider. By reading and understanding the agreement, you can ensure that your rights and interests are protected. The agreement should clearly outline what services will be provided, how they will be delivered, and what happens if there are any issues or concerns.

Ensure you receive the right supports

  • Service agreements should outline the specific supports and services that you will receive from the provider. By understanding your agreement, you can ensure that you are receiving the right supports to meet your needs and achieve your goals.

Understand your obligations

  • A service agreement is a two-way agreement, and as an NDIS participant, you also have obligations. By reading and understanding your agreement, you can ensure that you are meeting your obligations and getting the most out of the supports and services you receive.

Avoid misunderstandings and disputes

  • Reading and understanding your service agreement can help you avoid misunderstandings or disputes with your provider. By understanding the terms and conditions of the agreement, you can ensure that you and your provider are on the same page.

Know your options

  • Service agreements should outline the process for making changes, complaints, or disputes. By understanding your agreement, you can know your options if there are any issues or concerns that arise.

Reading and understanding your service agreement is essential for protecting your rights and interests, ensuring you receive the right supports, understanding your obligations, avoiding misunderstandings and disputes, and knowing your options. If you have any questions or concerns about your service agreement, talk to your provider or contact your NDIS planner, Local Area Coordinator or support coordinator for guidance and advice.

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