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NDIS Revised Pricing Arrangements

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has recently unveiled revised pricing arrangements for the upcoming period of 2022-2023. These adjustments aim to address broader economic inflationary pressures while ensuring participants continue to receive high-quality supports without compromising their funding. This blog post will explore the key changes in pricing.

Adjustments and Funding Indexing:

Starting from 1 July 2023, prices for supports provided by disability support workers and Level 1 Support Coordinators will undergo a 5.3% increase. This adjustment encompasses various factors, such as aligning price limits with the Fair Work Commission's decision, extending temporary loadings, and accounting for changes to the superannuation guarantee charge. Importantly, the plans of NDIS participants will be appropriately adjusted to ensure their funding remains unaffected by these changes.

Stability for Certain Supports:

Following comprehensive market analysis and benchmarking, the NDIA has determined that the current NDIS price limit for Therapy Supports, Support Coordinators (Category 2 & 3), and Plan Managers adequately reflects the average fully loaded hourly costs of most therapy professionals. Consequently, there will be no changes to the pricing arrangements for these services. This decision ensures that participants can continue accessing these vital supports without any disruptions.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Pricing Review:

In addition to the Annual Pricing Review, the NDIA has conducted a comprehensive 5-year SDA Pricing Review. The goal of this review is to enhance NDIS participants' access to home and living supports. The NDIA recognizes the challenges posed by insufficient disability accommodation, which can lead to additional cost pressures for participants. The SDA Pricing Review aims to address this issue by ensuring appropriate funding is included in participant plans to enable continued access to SDA supports.

The NDIS has introduced revised pricing arrangements for the 2022-2023 period to address economic inflationary pressures. While some prices are set to increase, participants can be assured that their funding will be adjusted accordingly

. For more detailed information on the Annual Pricing Review and its implications, please visit the official NDIA website.

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