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NDIS Capacity Building supports budget: Increased Social and Community Participation

This week we're delving into the increased social and community participation section of the Capacity building supports.

What is the Increased Social and Community Participation Section?

The Increased Social and Community Participation section is part of the NDIS Capacity Building Supports. Its primary objective is to enable individuals with disabilities to actively engage in social and community activities. This support recognizes the importance of social connections, community involvement, and active participation in shaping a person's quality of life.

Enhancing Social Inclusion

Social inclusion is a fundamental human need. For individuals with disabilities, barriers to participation can often lead to social isolation, which can negatively impact mental health and overall well-being. The Increased Social and Community Participation section addresses this by providing funding for various activities and supports, such as:

  • Assistance with social skills development.

  • Access to community programs, clubs, and groups.

  • Support for attending social events and gatherings.

  • Training and guidance to build relationships and maintain friendships.

These supports can help NDIS participants to break down the barriers that may have limited their social interactions in the past, enabling them to forge meaningful connections within their communities.

Promoting Independence

The Increased Social and Community Participation section can help to foster independence among NDIS participants by equipping them with the skills and confidence needed to navigate social situations and community activities. This support can include:

  • Assistance with transportation to community events.

  • Training in using public transport or mobility aids.

  • Support with budgeting and planning for social outings.

  • Developing self-advocacy skills to communicate needs and preferences effectively.

The Increased Social and Community Participation section of the NDIS Capacity Building Supports emphasizes the importance of social inclusion, independence, and personal choice, recognizing that everyone deserves the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life rich in community connections. If you have further questions you can reach out to your support service or support coordinator for further assistance.

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